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Scared of the dentist?

3 out of 10 people are scared of the dentist and do not receive proper oral care


We specialise in Paediatric Sedations.  90% of our patients are children, our youngest being 18 months old. 

Sedations in Paediatric


Why opt for Conscious Sedation



Conscious sedation, produced by the administration of certain medications, is an altered level of consciousness that still allows a patient to respond to physical stimulation and verbal commands, and to maintain an unassisted airway.



The purpose of conscious sedation is to produce a state of relaxation and/or pain relief by using benzodiazepine-type and narcotic medications, to facilitate performing minor procedures.







During the last few years, conscious sedation has become popular for use in a variety of different settings and for different types of procedures.


Here is the reason why:


Recovery is quick.  Normal activity can usually be resumed within 12 hours after the operation.


There is residual pain relief, in other words pain relief for a while after the procedure.


It is convenient.  Conscious sedation can be practiced in theatres, freestanding facilities or in the dental or medical practitioner's office.  These locations are often less intimidating to patients who are anxious.


It saves costs, as theatre and overnight hospital fees are cut.


The side-effect profile is low.  According to an American study, 96 percent of patients experience no side effects, like nausea and vomiting, which can be a common complaint after general anaesthesia.


It is safe.  The patient's level of consciousness, lung and heart function are all carefully monitored throughout the procedure to reduce possible risks.  Computer-controlled infusion pumps increase the accuracy and patients have complete control over breathing.  The protective reflexes - coughing and swallowing - also remain intact and communication is possible.





Conscious Sedation.

schedule an appointment today (079) 389 0768
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